Merve D.
Informazioni generali
- Età:
33 anni - Sesso:
femmina - Mezzo di trasporto:
mezzi pubblici, bicicletta - Distanza di spostamento:
1 Km - Parla fluentemente l'italiano:
sì - Lingua madre:
turco - Lingue conosciute:
inglese - Livello di studi:
Merve si presenta
I'm Merve, 26 years old master student in the University of Milan (now living in Vicenza). Besides that, I'm playing cello for 5 years and learning Italian language these days. Plus, I love travelling the world, cooking and reading! I moved to Vicenza and would love to spend my time with children by teaching them new languages, music may be, and learning from them about life! This would be really a nice opportunity for me while writing my master thesis in Vicenza.
I was born in Istanbul and have many experience about babysitting. In 2017, I took care of Pietro who is 4 years old, lives in Milan. We had amazing time together! Apart from that I have many babysitting experience in Turkey during my bachelor.
Besides, I have a sister who is 8 years old. My last 8 years have passed through with her. Thanks to her, now I can take care of infants! This is all to say I love children and their imaginative world! Don't hesitate to contact me.
Schede Professionali
Merve si propone per i seguenti ruoli nell'area Infanzia:
Baby sitter
Tariffa oraria minima: € 12Tariffa oraria massima: € 15
Esperienza: 6 anni
La nostra intervista a Merve per:
Quanti bambini riesci a gestire contemporaneamente?2
Hai problemi se ci sono animali?
Con quali di queste fasce d'età hai esperienza?
- Bimbi piccoli (2-3 anni)
- In età da scuola materna (3-6 anni)
- In età da scuola elementare (6-11 anni)
- A casa del/i bambino/i
Hai figli tuoi ?
Quali competenze puoi offrire?
- Cura dei bambini ammalati
- Cucina per bambini
- Guida con trasporto di bambini
- Passeggiate al parco giochi
- Accompagnamento al sonno
I'm Merve, 26 years old master student in the University of Milan (now living in Vicenza). Besides that, I'm playing cello for 5 years and learning Italian language these days. Plus, I love travelling the world, cooking and reading! I moved to Vicenza and would love to spend my time with children by teaching them new languages, music may be, and learning from them about life! This would be really a nice opportunity for me while writing my master thesis in Vicenza.
I was born in Istanbul and have many experience about babysitting. In 2017, I took care of Pietro who is 4 years old, lives in Milan. We had amazing time together! Apart from that I have many babysitting experience in Turkey during my bachelor.
Besides, I have a sister who is 8 years old. My last 8 years have passed through with her. Thanks to her, now I can take care of infants! This is all to say I love children and their imaginative world! Don't hesitate to contact me.
Merve non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Animali
Merve non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Adulti
Merve si propone per i seguenti ruoli nell'area Studio:
Aiuto Compiti/Tutor di gruppo
Tariffa oraria minima: € 10Tariffa oraria massima: € 15
Esperienza: 10 anni
Aiuto Compiti/Tutor individuale
Tariffa oraria minima: € 15Tariffa oraria massima: € 20
Esperienza: 10 anni
La nostra intervista a Merve per:
Aiuto Compiti/Tutor di gruppo, Aiuto Compiti/Tutor individuale
Quanti studenti riesci a gestire contemporaneamente?4
A che livello scolastico puoi fare ripetizioni?
- Scuola elementare
- Scuola media
- A casa dello studente
- A casa mia
- In un centro studi
- Lingue
- Musica
- Esami scolastici
- Test di ammissione universitari
- Esami universitari
Hi there,
I have been professionally speaking English for 11 years since now. I completed my bachelor and master in English and had spent some time in the USA to improve my English. After living in Italy for my master's degree in Communication, I understand both the excitement and the challenges that accompany learning a new language and living abroad. Apart from that I travel a lot and read a lot in English! I had been teaching English to children in Turkey and I am ready to start teaching new children while I am writing my thesis and running my research in English, here in Vicenza. I aim to support students’ social-emotional well-being as they learn English and deepen their global awareness. Don't hesitate to contact me! Have a great day ahead.
Merve non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Casa
Disponibilità oraria di Merve
Merve non ha indicato la propria disponibilità
Titoli di Studio e Formazione di Merve
Merve non ha inserito i propri Titoli di Studio e di Formazione
Referenze di Merve