Maria E.
Informazioni generali
- Età:
36 anni - Sesso:
femmina - Mezzo di trasporto:
mezzi pubblici, bicicletta - Distanza di spostamento:
0 Km - Parla fluentemente l'italiano:
no - Lingua madre:
portoghese - Lingue conosciute:
inglese - Livello di studi:
Laurea (3 anni)
Maria si presenta
My name is Maria and i'm a 31 years old. I'm Italian-Brazilian
I'm searching for a family and I'd be very happy to be part of yours.
I'm a photographer and I'm passionate about small things in life, hear the waves, the birds singing and be conected with nature. I speak Portuguese fluently e English advanced. And also can speak a bit of italian.
I'm a very smily girl, calm, likable, educated, responsible, easy-going and helpful I like to do activities outdoor, i like the nature, love the animals, music, dancing, playing. hiking.
I'm calm and quiet, creative. I also like to cook and play guitar and watch movies. I'm excited to know more about you and the italian culture and language. I'm a very open minded person and the family can talk to me about everything and I expect to be a lovely big sister for your children.
I like to do activities outdoor, i like the nature, love the animals, music, dancing, playing. hiking.
I'm calm and quiet, creative. I also like to cook and play guitar and watch movies.
I have a few experiences with childcare, have been a volunteer in a orphanage and worked at children parties. I'm able to teach english and if it is necessary other school subjects. I lived in Canadá for 4 months with a host family and i loved the experience living abroad. I was working as a housekeeper in a nursing home in Dublin for 6 months and I took care of my physically incapable father all by myself and took care of the house for him, so i know how to prepare meals and keep everthing clean. I also can take care of the pets and help the family with the groceries.
Schede Professionali
Maria non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Infanzia
Maria non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Animali
Maria non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Adulti
Maria non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Studio
Maria non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Casa
Disponibilità oraria di Maria
Maria non ha indicato la propria disponibilità
Titoli di Studio e Formazione di Maria
Maria non ha inserito i propri Titoli di Studio e di Formazione
Referenze di Maria