Arianne A.
Informazioni generali
- Età:
31 anni - Sesso:
femmina - Mezzo di trasporto:
mezzi pubblici - Distanza di spostamento:
15 Km - Parla fluentemente l'italiano:
no - Lingua madre:
inglese - Lingue conosciute:
nessuna - Livello di studi:
Laurea (3 anni)
Arianne si presenta
My name is Arianne , I'm 21 years old and a recent graduate from the University of Central Arkansas. Im currently living in Florence, Italy and studying Italian at the University of Florence. I have 8+ years of babysitting experience with children of all ages. I'm a very friendly person, I love meeting new people and learning about other cultures. I pride myself in being exceedingly responsible, organized, and in my ability to face any challenge no matter how difficult. My first experiences in babysitting were summer jobs. In college, I spent a summer working at Miss Carrie's Day School where I worked with 18 months - 2 year olds on a daily basis. More recently, I worked after-school jobs in which I picked the children up from school, brought them home, and cared for them until their parents arrived later in the evening. Im comfortable helping with homework, household chores, and cooking whenever necessary. I love putting together activities to entertain and even teach the kids. I'm also always up for outdoor activities. I love working with children, they have so much energy and they bring so much joy to all those around them. This is my fourth visit to Italy, and I feel comfortable enough to work here now. My first choice, of course, is to have the opportunity to work with kids while living abroad. I'm really looking forward to the experience.
Schede Professionali
Arianne non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Infanzia
Arianne non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Animali
Arianne non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Adulti
Arianne non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Studio
Arianne non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Casa
Disponibilità oraria di Arianne
Arianne non ha indicato la propria disponibilità
Titoli di Studio e Formazione di Arianne
Arianne non ha inserito i propri Titoli di Studio e di Formazione
Referenze di Arianne