Elisa Sofia C.
Informazioni generali
- Età:
29 anni - Sesso:
femmina - Mezzo di trasporto:
auto, mezzi pubblici, bicicletta - Distanza di spostamento:
15 Km - Parla fluentemente l'italiano:
sì - Lingua madre:
italiano - Lingue conosciute:
spagnolo - Livello di studi:
Laurea (3 anni)
Elisa Sofia si presenta
Dear family,
my name is Elisa Sofia and i'm 25 years old. I was born and raised in Milan (Italy) and i love to travel!
The first time i baby-sitted i was 13 and had to look after two bilingual kids (italian-english): a boy and a girl. The boy was 3 and the girl 1. That was the time i fell in love with it. During the years i had more opportunities to babysit and i looked after many kids going from the age of 0 to 13 years old. What i love to do is to set some rules and then get creative and keep it fun. I don't want the kids to see me as a negative figure but as someone that is there for their best, someone they can rely on and be themselves with. I always make sure that they understand that I'm not here to judge them or be strict and that if they misbehave they will have some consequences not because I'm a bad person but because that is how life works.
My motto is to be free, be kind, love and have fun!
Schede Professionali
Elisa Sofia non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Infanzia
Elisa Sofia non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Animali
Elisa Sofia non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Adulti
Elisa Sofia non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Studio
Elisa Sofia non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Casa
Disponibilità oraria di Elisa Sofia
Elisa Sofia non ha indicato la propria disponibilità
Titoli di Studio e Formazione di Elisa Sofia
Elisa Sofia non ha inserito i propri Titoli di Studio e di Formazione
Referenze di Elisa Sofia