Jomante K.
Informazioni generali
- Età:
36 anni - Sesso:
femmina - Mezzo di trasporto:
mezzi pubblici, bicicletta - Distanza di spostamento:
10 Km - Parla fluentemente l'italiano:
no - Lingua madre:
inglese - Lingue conosciute:
russo, italiano, lahnda - Livello di studi:
Jomante si presenta
My name is Jomante. I am Lithuanian woman, but the last 6 years I was living in the international city – Amsterdam. I was working in the logistic company as a supervisor. In the meantime I had finished Economic studies in Lithuanian University of educational science (Vilnius) and got Teacher’s qualification. Had some experience as a Teacher in the gymnasium. Afterwards I started to travel in Europe and wondering where I would like to settle down. That’s how I “found” Rome. So I made a decision to move here in 2017.
I started to learn Italian and do some research about the life in Italy. I love children and children loves me! I am very empathetic, positive and responsible person. Due to my studies I know how to behave with the kids. During the last summer I was take caring of my little niece (2yrs old) and kids of my friends (1-3 years). So if you are looking for some Educated au-pair. Do not hesitate to contact me for more information. Greetings!
Schede Professionali
Jomante non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Infanzia
Jomante non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Animali
Jomante non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Adulti
Jomante non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Studio
Jomante non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Casa
Disponibilità oraria di Jomante
Jomante non ha indicato la propria disponibilità
Titoli di Studio e Formazione di Jomante
Jomante non ha inserito i propri Titoli di Studio e di Formazione
Referenze di Jomante