Geanina D.
Informazioni generali
- Età:
27 anni - Sesso:
femmina - Mezzo di trasporto:
mezzi pubblici - Distanza di spostamento:
5 Km - Parla fluentemente l'italiano:
no - Lingua madre:
inglese - Lingue conosciute:
italiano - Livello di studi:
Laurea (3 anni)
Geanina si presenta
I am a lively, joyful and well-educated and well-mannered Nanny/ English Tutor with a friendly approach and a proven record of providing quality childcare service. I bring a respectful and professional attitude, discretion and outgoing nature to provide children with exceptional care and education.
I am possessing over 5 years of experience in child care having been involved both in educational programs and tutoring. I have a solid experience as a Nanny and Babysitter. My referees will attest to my professional attitude.
My attributes include:
Demonstrated experience of working with children of different backgrounds and age groups, including babies (from infancy to age 13) and engaging them in fun filled, stimulating and creative play;
Adept at supporting children to do homework;
Proficient at developing routine and positive behaviour re-enforcement;
Capacity to prioritise and be punctual;
Recognition of the importance of being a positive role model and authoritative figure;
Excellent oral and written English and communication skills;
Capable of collaboration;
Ability to critically think, analyse, solve problems and calmly react to challenging situation;
Well developed organizational skills;
Ability to listen and follow instructions and show initiative;
Appreciation of the necessity for lifelong learning;
Genuine love for children and enjoying working with children;
Good ability to engage and communicate with children;
Able to work independently;
Able to work efficiently in hectic days;
Good behaviour judgment skills;
Outstanding communication skills;
Profound ability to perform light housekeeping tasks;
Warm, loving and caring nature.
I am hardworking, reliable, energetic, self-motivated, trustworthy and have high level of enthusiasm to work with children and family. You would find me youthful, emotionally mature, easily adaptable and flexible, with exceptional attention to detail and ability to multitask. I am health-conscious and a non-smoker.
I have a genuine interest in the well-being of children. I do not easily tire or stress out as I am very patient with children and I really enjoy working with them as their approach to every day life intrigues me and offers a lot of joy. I naturally love to join child activities as a playmate.
Schede Professionali
Geanina si propone per i seguenti ruoli nell'area Infanzia:
Baby sitter
Tariffa oraria minima: € 7Tariffa oraria massima: € 10
Esperienza: 2 anni
La nostra intervista a Geanina per:
Quanti bambini riesci a gestire contemporaneamente?2
Hai problemi se ci sono animali?
Con quali di queste fasce d'età hai esperienza?
- Bimbi piccoli (2-3 anni)
- In età da scuola materna (3-6 anni)
- In età da scuola elementare (6-11 anni)
- A casa del/i bambino/i
- A casa propria
Hai figli tuoi ?
Quali competenze puoi offrire?
- Cura dei bambini ammalati
- Cucina per bambini
- Passeggiate al parco giochi
Salve, mi chiamo Geanina, ho 18 anni e sono una persona molto solare e simpatica, amante dei bambini. Ho avuto esperienza dal partire all' età di un anno in su. Amo giocare con i bambini, aiutarli nei compiti.
Geanina non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Animali
Geanina non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Adulti
Geanina non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Studio
Geanina non ha compilato la Scheda Professionale Casa
Disponibilità oraria di Geanina
Geanina non ha indicato la propria disponibilità
Titoli di Studio e Formazione di Geanina
Geanina non ha inserito i propri Titoli di Studio e di Formazione
Referenze di Geanina